Date Archives November 2019

Interview with Sharon Giltrow

Happy Thanksgiving Eve, Everyone! Today, I’m thankful to be chatting with 2020 Debut Crew-member  Sharon Giltrow. Her very first book, Bedtime Daddy, (illustrated by Katrin Dreiling) debuts with EK Books on May 12th, 2020. 

Welcome, Sharon!


And congratulations on your first picture book! Tell us a little about Bedtime Daddy.

Putting a daddy to bed can be hard work, but it can be loads of fun too. This hilarious book shows how a child…

  • wrestles their daddy into his pyjamas
  • reads just one more bedtime story
  • battles endless excuses….
  • frightens away monsters with monster spray

to finally get their daddy to bed.

Ha! Sounds like the perfect Father’s Day gift, since Bedtime Daddy will release in plenty of time for that holiday.

Now, let’s back up a bit. The road to publication is so often “long and winding.” Was that the case for you?

Well I was practicing my writing and honing my skills for eleven years before writing BEDTIME DADDY in June 2017. Then I revised it with help from my fantastic critique group. Started submitting it in November 2017, which was too soon. I revised it again with more help from my critique group and a publisher’s critique and submitted it to EK Books in June 2018. I Received the email two weeks later and signed the contract two months later. Twenty-one months after signing the contract BEDTME DADDY will be released.

Do you remember the exact moment when you found out you were going to be published for the first time?

The email from EK Books the publisher of my debut PB BEDTIME DADDY came through July 2018 when I was on a road trip with my family to the picturesque Denmark in Western Australia. I checked my emails while my husband was driving and I saw the email from EK books saying that they were interested and was the manuscript still available. “YES, YES!” I screamed. I re-read the email three times and then read it aloud to my family. Then I tried to act calm, replied to the email and continued on my holiday. I checked that email over and over until I was convinced it was real. At that point I knew my dream of becoming a published author was about to come true.

Wonderful. And have you always been a “writer”? What other fields have you worked in, and what made you want to write professionally?

From the time I learnt how to write as a child, I was either copying text from my favourite books or making books myself. I lived on a farm and loved having little projects to do. I even turned my bedroom into a library and made library cards for my books, which I borrowed out. Then I grew up and because I wanted to surround myself with playing, books and children, so I became an early childhood teacher. It wasn’t until my first child was born in 2006 that I thought, “Hey, I should write my own children’s book.” My first manuscript was called Noises at Night based on all the household noises I heard when I was awake in the middle of the night feeding my daughter. That manuscript hasn’t been published (yet) but it set me on my path as a professional author. Now I get to be a teacher and a writer at the same time ?. I get paid to play, read stories and write stories– best life ever!

In your writing, what subjects do you usually focus on?

Because I am surrounded by children every day, I like to write about them and their everyday life and routines. At the moment I am really enjoying writing role reversal stories about adults and children and how to books, written in the second and first person point of views. Being a teacher and a parent, I know a lot about child development and what makes children tick ?. I also come from a very big family: I am the youngest of eight children, so I have lots and lots of nieces, nephews and even great nieces and nephews ranging from 47 years old to 3 months old. So, I guess in the true sense of the word children and parents are my target audience.

Indeed! So, what does a typical day in your life look like?

Depends on the day ?. Three days a week I teach. So I wake up get ready, get my children ready, teach (play) for 6 hours, come home, walk the dog, play with my own children, catch up on emails, help my children with homework, read to my son (My husband and I still read to him every night even though he is 10). On my writing days I wake up, get the kids off to school, check my bullet journal to see what I’m focussing on that day either writing, revising, submitting, critiquing or marketing or a combination of those. Then pick my kids up from school and begin the evening routines.

What feeds your creativity as an artist? Or helps you when you’re feeling “stuck”?

Gathering ideas. Listening to children. Reading to children. Walking my dog. These all spark my creativity.

What tips do you have for aspiring authors?

Be open to ideas. Write that first draft, just get the words down on paper. Then revise it.

Also, a critique group is essential to help with the revision process and for encouragement. Critiquing another person’s story is a great way of learning how to write. The final version for BEDTIME DADDY was version 10. It changed a lot from my first draft.

Finally READ, READ, READ, picture books. I get to do that as a teacher to an enthusiastic audience, which is the best. But everyone can visit libraries, book shops, etc. Read to your children, other people’s children, your pets, yourself ?.

Now, back to your debut: How did the idea of Bedtime Daddy come to you? Do you remember your lightbulb moment?

The idea came to me from my husband’s (Bedtime Daddy) and my experience of putting our children to bed every night for ten plus years. All the excuses that my main character uses are excuses my children have used to postpone bedtime. At the time, I was also reading funny memes and parenting articles about putting children to bed. I thought it would be hilarious to write a how-to, role reversal story about a child putting a parent to bed. BEDTIME DADDY was born. Although it was first called How to Put a Grown Up to Sleep, but a very wise critique partner pointed out that putting someone to sleep has two meanings. So version 6’s title changed to BEDTIME DADDY. It also became a pivotal line in the story.

Belly flop onto the bed

Your dream of publishing your very first picture book is about to come true! What’s next? What do you still hope to accomplish in the future?

I hope to publish ten books in ten years ?. I have a number of polished manuscripts that I am currently submitting and I plan to write many more. Also, I am currently working on a chapter book which started out as a PB idea which I have extended. I plan to finish the first draft by the end of 2019 ?. Then revise, submit and get it published.

Any promotional events we can look forward to meeting you at?

I plan to launch my debut picture book BEDTIME DADDY in June 2020 in Perth Western Australia. But if you can’t make that one, I would love to meet readers anytime they are visiting Australia. I’m happy to do personal book readings and signings, so do reach out!

I am a member of the 2020 Debut Crew, which is a group of authors and illustrators that have debut picture books coming out in 2020. Here’s our website:

You can also find me on:




Thank you, Sharon! Here’s to all your future success!


These days, preorders are vital to a new author/illustrator’s career. To support Sharon Giltrow and her new release, preorder Bedtime, Daddy through any of the following retailers:

 Bedtime Daddy - final cover - Sharon Giltrow

Sharon Giltrow grew up in South Australia, the youngest of eight children, surrounded by pet sheep and fields of barley. She now lives in Perth, WA with her husband, two children and a tiny dog.

When not writing, Sharon works with children with Developmental Language Disorder.

Sharon was awarded the Paper Bird Fellowship in 2019.

Her debut PB Bedtime Daddy, is due to be released May 2020 through EK books.

The Inspiration Behind “Piglette”


VOILÀ! I give you PIGLETTE, my debut picture book, releasing May 26th, 2020, and already available for pre-order!

While PIGLETTE takes place in France, the inspiration for the story actually came to me in Italy.

In 2015, I was visiting friends in Bologna, and while wandering the city, I stumbled upon the Profumeria Antica Profumeria Al Sacro Cuore (Sacred Heart Antique Perfumery). I stepped inside and thought that I’d found paradise. Maybe you’ll agree…

Profumeria Sacro Cuore, Bologna

(Photo borrowed from the perfumery’s website.)

I sampled fragrances around the shop, and met the most magical saleswoman who could recommend perfumes to people based on their “aura” alone. Is it any wonder that such a place, such an encounter, fired my imagination?

Months later, the character of Piglette appeared in my mind out of nowhere. And once I spent a little time with her, I knew that she was destined for a perfumery of her own, this time in Paris.


Interview with Amy Nielander

From now through the end of 2020, I’m interviewing the authors & illustrators of the debut group Perfect 2020 Picture BooksToday, I’m thrilled to chat with Amy Nielander, Author-Illustrator of Grama’s Hug, releasing from Page Street Kids on January 7th, 2020.

Welcome, Amy!

Amy Nielander_2018_SMALLER
Congratulations on your-soon-to-be-released picture book! Tell us a little about Grama’s Hug.

First of all, thank you for this opportunity Katelyn! Grama’s Hug is about a devoted grama and her space-loving granddaughter, May. Together they create art, birdwatch and prepare inventions for the annual space fair. They never, ever say goodbye without a hug until that moment slips away one day.

Sounds like a story full of that magical ingredient: heart!

Now, let’s back up a bit. Can you walk us through your journey to publication?

My journey was very long, like many other author/illustrators I am sure! I always loved to write and sketch but it wasn’t until my kids were born when I put the two together. My mom was a captivating storyteller growing up and had written quite a few stories for herself. She wrote a story for a godchild’s birthday and when I left my job to raise our kids, it felt like the perfect time to illustrate it for her. We submitted the dummy but it met multiple rejections.

The silver lining was I fell in love with the process of marrying text and art. I decided to explore my own story ideas shortly after. At the same time I felt like a rookie and wanted to learn how the industry worked. I became a member of SCBWI, attended conferences, signed up for critiques, submitted stories, received rejections, went through roller coaster responses from agents but it wasn’t until I became a finalist in the Silent Book Contest when my luck changed.

After my first book THE LADYBUG RACE was published, I was back at square one trying to get published again! I went through the same motions but casted a wider net. I signed up for more intensive workshops and conferences. After attending the Rutgers Children’s Literature One-on-One Conference and meeting my mentor, I became laser-focused on a particular story (Grama’s Hug). I revised that dummy for a good six months and when it was ready to submit, I went back to contacts I had made at previous conferences. A publisher expressed interest but wanted a new ending. After soaking up every ounce of their feedback (I recorded our phonecall and played it over and over and over again!) I went back to the drawing board and resubmitted. About a month later I received an offer.

So what was THE pivotal moment in your career? “The Call”, “The Email,” or whatever moment you knew that your dreams were about to come true?

It was definitely when I received “The Email” from the Silent Book Contest committee stating my story was selected as an international finalist. I was about to take my kids to school that morning when I decided to check if results were posted one more time (I think I was refreshing their page every five minutes). When I saw the email, I raced to the bottom and was overcome with elation. It is a moment I bottled up and uncork whenever I get discouraged or doubtful.

Wonderful. Two books to your name, and it sounds like it’s just the beginning! As an author-illustrator, what do you like to write/draw/paint about, in general?

I like drawing people and their interactions with the world (and each other). I also enjoy amplifying a person’s character in art. As far as writing goes…my ideas start off pretty abstract. I used to offset that in the past with daily journal entries but have gotten away from those. Now, I tend to write as I develop dummies.

What does a typical day in your life look like?
My day to day is always slightly changing due to a busy household, but the routine that remains pretty constant is walking my dog, working out, following up on any emails, then jumping on revisions to the latest dummy I’m working on.

In the midst of the busyness, what feeds your creativity as an artist?

What feeds my creativity most is finishing a project. It earns the same degree of satisfaction that completing a giant puzzle does. It makes me want to jump on other projects and apply what I learned from the past story. I also really enjoy the design process and apply that approach in the dummy phase. Getting ready to assemble a picture book dummy is like getting ready for a party. It’s very exciting for me! I love clearing the table, gathering my tools and assembling my little sketches. The best part is paging through it over and over and over again. The story feels like an
experience at that point. It makes me want more little stories!

Any advice for other creatives?

Keep believing in yourself. Give yourself permission to grow, invest in learning opportunities and most importantly- start doing the work! You’ll need that wealth of practice when your story does find a publisher and you have to produce final artwork! Attend different workshops or conferences to create deadlines for yourself so projects get finished.

Back to Grama’s Hug. How did the story come to you? Do you remember your lightbulb moment?

Absolutely! It was 2013 and I was walking my daughter to school when the bell rang and a parent yelled out “I AM NOT LEAVING WITHOUT A HUG!” Those words cemented themselves in my mind and I walked away struck by story sparks. What would she do if she didn’t get that hug? The first draft I wrote tells a completely different story than today’s picture book. When I shared it during a SCBWI Round Table critique it was received horribly. It wasn’t until I began digging deeper when a childhood memory was triggered. I drafted a new concept and that was the foundation for Grama’s Hug. The title later changed in the production process but I dedicated the story to my friend, Kathy. She was the parent who shouted those words in 2013 (we did not know each other at the time though).

Amy Nielander dummies

Your dream of publishing a picture book is about to come true, all over again! What’s next?

I have another PB on submission and am currently refining a third story (with more on my To Revise list!). That dummy is packed with fun and will be submitted in January 2020. I’m also busy prepping for the big book launch for Grama’s Hug! I’d like to experiment with some activities and fine tune school visit presentations.

Any promotional events where we might look forward to meeting you?

I was invited to be a part of the 20 for 20: Celebrating Michigan Illustrators Exhibit at the Muskegon Museum of Art in January.  It will run from January-May with a reception in April. I’ll have a book launch on January 11th for Grama’s Hug at Barnes & Noble, followed by a story time reading at the Ann Arbor District Library (with Literati Bookstore) on January 14th. Readers can sign up for my newsletter to learn details about additional book signings and events at: (Scroll to the very bottom of the page.)

Thank you, Amy! Here’s to all your future success!

These days, preorders are vital to a new author/illustrator’s career. To support Amy Nielander and her new release, preorder Grama’s Hug through any of the following retailers:

Amy Nielander Hug Cover_cover_reduced

And to see more of Amy Nielander’s work, visit her website and social media accounts:

Interview with Nanette Heffernan

From now through the end of 2020, I’m interviewing the authors and illustrators of the debut group Perfect 2020 PBsToday, I’m chatting with the talented Nanette Heffernan, Author of Earth Hour, illustrated by Bao Luu and releasing from Charlesbridge in January 2020.

Welcome, Nanette!

Nanette Heffernan in hat - SP


Congratulations on your-soon-to-be-released debut picture book! What exactly is “Earth Hour”?

Earth Hour is an annual lights-out celebration sponsored by the World Wildlife Fund for Nature
(WWF), that unites people across the planet against climate change. On a Saturday night near the
equinox in March, all over the world, at 8 :30 p.m., lights fade to black for this special event. In
Sydney, homes and restaurants—and even the famous Sydney Opera House—turn out their lights.
An hour later Tokyo goes dark. Two hours later it’s Beijing’s turn. Thousands of famous
monuments, from the Taj Mehal to the Eiffel Tower to the Golden Gate Bridge, unplug for the

How did the idea for this book come to you? Do you remember your “lightbulb” moment?

I first learned of Earth Hour while driving over the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, CA one
evening. The bridge went dark. When I found out it was for Earth Hour I was an instant fan. That
night the concept for the book was born, but it wasn’t until many drafts and 4 years later that my
wonderful editor, Julie Bliven, from Charlesbridge offered to publish the book.

So, have you always been a “writer”? And what other fields have you worked in?

I’ve considered myself a writer since elementary school. As a sales and marketing executive I’ve
written every thing from sales brochures, to websites, to advertising copy. Yet it wasn’t until I made
the decision to become a full-time writer that I got to write what I truly love, children’s literature.
But my marketing roots go deep—I love sales and marketing—so I am also an author marketing
coach and founder of Authors Posse. Debut groups are for debuts, Authors Posse is your forever

What do you like to write about, in general? 

I love to write picture books about the environment and sustainability. I also love MG boy humor.

Can you describe a typical day in the life of Nanette?

Coffee. Hike with the dog. Tend the garden and chickens. Write or work on marketing for 5-6
hours. Help the kids with homework. Read for 2-3 hours. Repeat.

What feeds your creativity as an artist? Or helps you out of that “funk”?

Hiking. Lots and lots of hiking. 20-30 miles a week.

Any advice you can offer other creatives?

Being a creator is a tough business. So every day check in with yourself and make sure you are still
enjoying it. If you aren’t enjoying it then it’s time to reevaluate why you became an

Looking back over your writing career thus far, what was the most pivotal moment? 

I will never forget when I got  “the call” from my agent. I was waiting to see my oncologist for my
first round of chemotherapy for breast cancer. It was the absolute best call I could have gotten at
that moment.

Oh my goodness! Yes, what a ray of hope! Your career was born…and now your dream of publishing your very first picture book is about to come true! What’s next? What do
you still hope to accomplish in the future?

More eco picture books with a hint of humor. I LOVE funny picture books.

Wonderful, Nanette. Are there any promotional events we can look forward to meeting you at?

I’ll be touring the entire West Coast for the launch of EARTH HOUR. Also hopefully Denver and
Boston and maybe even as far as New York!

And in the meantime, where can we find out more about Earth Hour?

You can learn more about Earth Hour here: or or . During Earth Hour everyone, young and old, can make a pledge to do their part to help the environment. If you’ve made an Earth Hour pledge I hope you’ll share it with me at (pledge page coming January 2020)

Thank you, Nanette! Here’s wishing you every future success.

These days, preorders are vital to a new author’s career. To support Nanette and her beautiful book, preorder Earth Hour through any of the following retailers:

Cover Earth Hour